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To improve your article before submitting to us, consider the 3 methods below:
Ask yourself these 5 questions:
- Where am I unsure about the wording or intent? If I’m not clear, the reader will be confused.
- Have I not told the reader something they needed to know?
- Have I been consistent in tone?
- Have I repeated myself or bombarded the reader with clutter?
Peer Review/Feedback
Send your article to colleagues, friends, and family (and ideally to a target reader) for feedback because it can:
- Give you a new perspective on your topic
- Help clarify your thoughts and ideas
- Help you identify missing or incomplete information
Article Vs Blog
Check that your piece of writing is an article, rather than a blog. While blog posts have their place, MoT is looking for content that is written and structured in a more formalised way. Below are some indicators of whether you have an article or a blog.
It might be an article if:
- The content has a distinct structure.
- Sections have subheaders.
- Has a consistent idea or presents ideas to the reader in an organised manner.
- The content has a balanced viewpoint and is less opinionated. Mostly stays away from the first person narrative perspective.
- The content is mindful of the narrative perspective. Remains in the second person or in the third person.
- The content has a distinct audience. A reader can instantly decide if the content is for them or not.