Selection Process

Each Call for Contribution is different and so is the selection process. For each, instructions on how it is done will be mentioned on each of the Call For Contribution pages.

But in general, all abstracts are reviewed by the MoT team, community or by a selected panel.


It would be irresponsible to the community for us to not factor diversity into a software testing conference programme, the last thing anyone wants to see is a lineup of white middle-aged men.

Unlike some organisations, diversity is not a synonym for race or gender, it’s bigger than that for us. We look at the person behind the submission. Is the person from an underrepresented group? This could factor in characteristics such as gender, race, age, disability, or even a person’s location, or maybe it’s someone with little to no speaking experience but a lot of ambition! We look to give people opportunities.

We believe a good conference programme needs a balance of current topics covering all important aspects of software testing from a range of voices. It is imperative to us that new and underrepresented voices get heard.


If your abstract is successful you'll get an email from us stating so and requesting some additional information as well as stating the terms of acceptance. We'll also allow you to make amendments to your abstract. 

If your abstract is unsuccessful you'll be notified via email. 

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