What Is a Course Summary Page?
You can think of a course summary as the 'Home page' for the course you would like to take (or are currently taking). A course summary page serves two purposes:
- To give you all the necessary information to help you make an informed decision on whether to take the course
- To help you keep track of your progress through a course
Whether you're looking to start a course, are halfway through the lesson or have finished. A course summary page gives you all the quick information you need to decide what you want to do next.
Course Summary Pages Explained
A course summary page has three sections which are all highlighted in the image below:
- Introduction video
- Course quick look
- Course details
1. Introduction Video
Sometimes you know exactly which course you want to take and start straight away. Sometimes you need a bit more information. And that's where the introduction video can help.
The introduction video is a short 'Hello' from your instructor to help you to:
- Learn more about the course.
- Get to know your instructor.
Once you've watched the video, you'll know whether the course is right for you to take.
2. Course Quick Look
The course quick look gives you all the important details you need to tell:
- What the course contains.
- How you're progressing throughout the course.
Depending on where you are in the course, you will see three different course quick looks as shown below:
Each view offers you different details depending on where you are with your course:
- The first view shows you everything you need to know to get started with your course. Clicking 'Start Course' will begin the course and take you to the first lessons.
- Once you've started your course, the Quick look changes to share details on your progress. Sharing how many lessons and activities you've completed. Clicking on 'Continue Course' will take you to the next lesson that needs completing.
- Once you've finished your course, you can head back to the Course Summary Page to see what you've achieved. You can also click 'Review Course' to go to the first lesson and look over the work you've done.
3. Course Details
Still want to learn more about the goals of the course or a bit more about the instructor before jumping in? Then the course details give you everything you need. There are three sections you can review to help you decide:
- About This Course - This section provides a more in depth description of what the course is covering and why you might want to take it. It also contains a description of the course instructor and their social links to help you get to know your instructor in a bit more detail.
- What You'll Learn - All our courses are structured using learning outcomes. Learning outcomes detail what you'll be able to do once you've completed a course. This detail can be useful to help you determine if the course is going to help you solve your problems or achieve a personal goal.
- Pre-requisites - Some courses might need some pre-existing knowledge, skills or tools setup. This section details what the instructor recommends you know or have set up before the start of a course.
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We're always looking to improve our content and features and would love to hear from you. You can get in touch via the Gist or via email at hello@ministryoftesting.com