Structuring Your Article

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All articles on The Dojo follow this structure:

  • Article Title: Your title must be catchy, clear and attention-grabbing
  • Introductory Paragraphs: Make your introductory paragraphs count. It should tell your readers what your article is about. Don’t leave cliff hangers, your introductory paragraph should contain all the answers.
  • Headers/Subheaders: All key points that you’d like to make in your article should have their own section and header/subheader. Headers and subheaders must be catchy, clear and attention-grabbing. A reader should be able to establish what your article is about at a glance.
  • Content: All content should be written in short paragraphs and sentences. Use bulleted or numbered points to note steps, prompts, or takeaways for the reader. Use bulleted or numbered points for all lists.
  • Summary/Conclusion: This section should wrap up your article, tie up loose ends and discuss ‘the future’ where appropriate. Your header for this section must not be ‘summary’ or ‘conclusions’, be creative and come up with a catchy heading.
  • References: Your references should have a consistent format and include all resources that you hyperlink to, or refer to throughout your article. Examples:

1. Title of Book, Author(s) name, Page number
2. Purdue Online Writing Lab
3. A Tale of T-Shaped Engineers (video)

Now you've got an article with a solid structure, check out our tips on ways to improve your article.

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