Why Write With Ministry Of Testing?

Become A Ministry of Testing Author

Here at Ministry of Testing, we’re looking for authors to write articles. We love to learn from our authors, and love to share what we learn with the testing community. If you are passionate, reliable, and love to share your expertise, then come and work with us!

5 Great Reasons To Become An MoT Author

1. Inspire others:

They say two minds are better than one. Well, what about thousands of minds? No problem is unique. If your writing helps testers to solve problems, rethink the way they work, or generate new ideas; you could end up inspiring others to share their work too. You’re helping the whole testing community grow!

2. Best way to learn:

The process of writing your ideas and thoughts down is the best way to learn what you really think. As you write, your ideas develop, your understanding deepens, and your knowledge becomes a part of your mindset. The writing process is often more rewarding than completing the finished article.

3. Get recognition:

Ask yourself, who do I aspire to be like? Do they share their knowledge? We’re betting they do! It’s the best way to get yourself recognised in the testing community and identified as a valuable expert in your area of testing.

4. Expand your learning network:

Join the great list of faces and names that have written for MoT. Every author's MoT profile with their name, photo and bio is linked at the bottom of their article. This makes it easier for you to reach and meet others who can help you grow professionally.

5. Be heard:

Work with us and we’ll support you to make your writing the best it can be. Get your voice heard loud and clear by tens of thousands of testers in the MoT community, as we’ll use our vast network to promote your article. Go on, show people what you’re passionate about!

How To Get Started

To get started, you can submit us an outline of your article or a completed first draft as a Google Doc with the editing rights granted via our Continuous Call for Contribution.

Your outline should include your topic, the purpose of your article, who your audience is, ordered subtopics and bullet-pointed lists expanding on subtopics.

If you're submitting a draft article, it should include:

Importantly, all articles submitted to MoT need to be original and not previously published in another professional or personal publication or blog. With a few exceptions, our articles are between 1,500-3,000 words long.

Please check out the MoT Writer’s Guide for further guidance on the planning, structuring, and writing of articles suitable for our site.

If your article is accepted, you will work with our EditorBosses who will help you develop your writing. Your article will undergo several rounds of editing and review to make sure it is the best it can be before publishing.

How The Editing Process Works

The editing process is summarised in the following diagram:

To get more details on the editorial process, review our editorial process article.

What You Will Earn

We don’t expect you to work for free. All authors get compensated for their published work. There are 4 standard remuneration options available for each article published:

  1. Professional Ministry of Testing Membership (6 months)
  2. £150 donation to MoT’s Scholarship Fund
  3. £150 paid directly to the author
  4. £150 discount code to TestBash

It is up to you to choose which method of compensation you prefer and this will be agreed on upfront before our collaboration begins.

What We Stand For

Here at MoT, we have a very strict set of principles that we follow every time we publish an article. We stick to these principles to ensure that the content on our site remains authentic and of high quality for our readers. We also have them so that our authors have complete confidence in working with us, feel supported and a part of the team. If you’re interested in having a gander at MoT’s principles on publishing articles, please have a look at our Publishing Policy.

Author Success Stories

Here’s what some of our published authors have to say about the benefits and their experience of working with MoT:

"Writing for MoT has helped me connect with some great people in the testing community, boosted my learning, and my confidence. I’m now building up to my first conference talk at Testbash Manchester!"
Claire Reckless

"Working with MoT has helped me realise I know more than I thought I did. I feel like less of an impostor in the testing community. It has started conversations with testers from all over the world about the content I’ve written so far. This has helped me in turn to have the confidence to ask some of those testers for help with what I don’t know. Also, amazingly, some of my work with them is on Amazon!"
Heather Reid

"Working with MoT has given me more confidence in my abilities as a tester, a writer, and has led directly to my first conference presentation at TestBash Philadelphia. The MoT editorial team is wonderfully supportive. They’ve made my first professional non-fiction writing work a joy. I’m looking forward to writing more articles for MoT."
Kate Paulk

"Writing has always been a way for me to gather and structure my thoughts. It helps me learn deeply and share my ideas clearly. When writing something under the scrutiny of thousands of testers? Well, that motivates me to do my best. The Ministry of Testing doesn’t just give you a platform for your voice to be heard. It offers you the opportunity to hear the voices of the global testing community. Throw a coin down the proverbial well and be rewarded with a thousand echoes. It’s a wonderful experience of giving and receiving."
Beren Van Daele

“Writing for Ministry of Testing is very rewarding, and a great way to improve my writing skills.  What makes it different to blogging or writing for other publications, in my opinion, is the deliberate and open collaboration that goes into it.  Their motto of “co-creating smarter testers” is truly lived, as I’m free to write about whatever topic I want, on a timeline that suits me, but I always have the support and guidance of the great writing team at MoT.  They keep me on track and help keep the writer’s block at bay.  With two rounds of editing, it’s hard work, but the results are worth it, and MoT offers a range of payment options that help me feel my contributions are valued.  If you’re interested in writing for MoT, get in touch with them for help getting started, no matter how experienced or new you are to writing.”
Cassandra H. Leung

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